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“The BestHealth Global Co., Ltd. Opening Tea Party” is about to make its grand debut.

“The BestHealth Global Co., Ltd. Opening Tea Party” is about to make its grand debut.

Jointly fulfill dreams of health, beauty, and fortune.
Time: 2024/04/21(Sun)12:30~16:30
Venue: The BestHealth Global Headquarter (11F No. 333-3, Fuxing N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City).
Transportation Mode: MRT Zhongshan Junior High School Station (arrive by cross the road from the MRT station).
Registration Fees: Admission by voucher.

The global headquarter of the BestHealth Global Co., Ltd. is opening and there are many interesting activities and limited offers for that day. Please apply for the purchase of admission tickets from your team leader.